Transformational plans for Liverpool’s former Littlewoods building set for approval

Plans to transform Liverpool’s former Littlewoods building into a TV and film campus could move a step closer next week.

Capital&Centric’s ambitious proposals for the Edge Lane site have been recommended for approval by Liverpool City Council’s planning committee when it meets on Tuesday (1 October).

As well as two new 20,000 sq ft studios for big budget productions, the ‘Littlewoods Project’ also includes spaces for offices, workshops, studio support facilities and an education facility. Tenants and visitors will also be able to take in views across the city from a new roof garden.

Earlier this summer, the Littlewoods building’s famous clock tower was demolished after investigations discovered that the structure was unsafe and, if left, could collapse. The intention is to rebuild the tower in the same spot, reusing elements of the original from the overhaul of the site.

There are also plans to make the Littlewoods building more accessible to surrounding communities. The former canteen which was housed in a barrel-vaulted hangar is to be transformed into a multi-purpose screening and performance zone, which will be for the use of occupiers on site, and then open up to the public out of hours. It will feature five small format cinema screens, an outdoor performance space and a permanent foodhall.

Capital&Centric also wants to make the site, derelict for decades, greener and welcoming for locals. Plans include a green courtyard which will be open to the community, as well as extensive greenery and landscaping that will pay homage to local screen stars past and present.

Elsewhere, a new public link between the site and Wavertree Park is planned. This is outside of the planning application but is a shared vision by the council and Capital&Centric to improve access and connectivity.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has committed up to £17 million to develop The Depot – two 22,000 sq ft film and TV studios now open off Liverpool’s Edge Lane and managed by Liverpool Film Office – and larger studios in the adjacent Littlewoods building as part of Mayor Steve Rotheram’s vision to turn the city region into the ‘Hollywood of the North’.

A report recommending the Littlewoods Project for approval at next week’s planning committee meeting reads: “This ambitious project offers a comprehensive scheme, led by a film studio development, that promises to rejuvenate a derelict and dilapidated building, and a vacant site identified for industrial/business development.

“The film studio gives scope to vastly expand the city’s offering as destination for film and TV production and create a significant number of jobs, alongside the creation of high quality new office space.

“The potential for a complimentary educational offer as part of the scheme would add further to the bespoke range of film and media related activities at the site, giving education, training and skills opportunities to support the industry.”

About Author: YM Liverpool